All the companies from Y Combinator’s Summer 2017 Demo Day (Day 2)


YC; cubes stacked
Image Credits: Bryce Durbin (opens in a new window) / TechCrunch

Y Combinator is not just the most prestigious accelerator out there, it’s also the largest. And so, as has been the case for the past several years, there were too many companies to jam them all into one day.

As a result, we once again braved the traffic of the 101 to bring you all the companies presenting on the second of Y Combinator’s day of demos, for what is the 25th batch of startups that have gone through the program.

Without further ado, here are the startups from Day 2. And if you missed the companies from Day 1, you can check them out here.

Standard Cognition – AI-powered checkout in store

Standard Cognition is using machine vision to build the checkout of the future. Called autonomous checkout, the technology will allow shoppers to grab what they want and walk out of a store without having to go to a cashier. Standard Cognition believes it tech will enable those companies to save money and reduce theft.

Modern Fertility –  At-home test to check and monitor your fertility

Modern Fertility is selling home fertility tests for women to provide transparency at a fraction of the cost of traditional fertility clinics. Having launched just a week and a half ago, Modern Fertility has managed $70,000 in pre-orders and it expects each customer to test on a yearly basis. The company is currently selling direct to consumer but also sees potential in selling to businesses. Businesses like AngelList, Plaid and OpenDoor have expressed interest in sponsoring home fertility care for employees.

Read our previous coverage of Modern Fertility here

Dharma Labs – p2p lending on the blockchain

Dharma Labs is building what it calls the first “protocol for debt on blockchains.” Citing the popularity of ICOs, the startup believes that there’s a “proven demand for cryptoassets that look and act much like equity.” So Dharma has built a mechanism for decentralized peer-to-peer lending. “Anyone in the world can borrow and anyone in the world can lend.”

Caelum Health – Replace prescription drugs with software

Sometimes physicians prescribe drugs because they work, and other times it’s because they’re easy. Caelum Health wants to use software to improve people’s health without prescribing them drugs. It’s starting with irritable bowel syndrome, which affects 20 percent of americans and leads to $55 billion worth of costs. Caelum provides behavioral health treatments that it says are 3x more effective than prescription drugs, and has pilots with 7 of the top 10 health systems.

Greo – Social video app for serious conversations

Greo wants to disrupt Twitter and other online forums by creating a better home for healthy intellectual debate. Created by a team of Stanford students, Greo counts about 850 users. The number is small, but the aim seems to be quality over quantity. By forcing people to use their real identity and exposing people to contrasting opinions, Greo thinks it can fill a growing social niche in an age of partisanship.

WheelStreet – India’s largest motorbike rental marketplace

WheelStreet claims to be “India’s largest motorbike rental marketplace.” The startup estimates that of the 600 million people commuting via motorbike, the majority don’t own one. WheelStreet is looking to bring rental inventory online and make it more affordable for everyone. The team works with rental shops and takes a 20% transaction fee. While WheelStreet only has $32,000 in monthly revenue right now, the team expects this to be a $6 billion market opportunity.

Warren Payment – automation for businesses

Warren wants to automate the process of making B2B payments. For most companies, going through the payment flow requires multiple steps to get vendors onboarded and get purchase orders approved. By automating those processes, Warren can reduce costs for businesses thanks to new APIs that make payments easy. In the US alone, there are 2 billion B2B payments made each year, and Warren wants to charge $0.50 each to ease that pain.

OneLocal – Salesforce for local businesses

As Salesforce grows larger and larger, there’s still no shortage of startups digging for overlooked opportunities. OneLocal is the salesforce for (wait for it) local businesses. The reality is that small businesses don’t keep good tabs on their customers — they’re not as easy to corral as customers, but ignored they are. OneLocal has signed up 115 businesses to the tune of $24,000 in monthly recurring revenue. Like Salesforce, OneLocal aims to up-sell with new enterprise apps, designed specifically to solve problems faced by SMBs.

Flowspace – AWS for warehousing

Flowspace is on-demand warehousing for businesses. The startup claims that “there are no good options for short-term warehouse space.” From candy manufacturers ramping up for Halloween season to fast-growing clothing companies, Flowspace believes that there is a market opportunity for temporary warehouses. They estimate that 400,000 companies in the U.S. are in need of flexible warehousing and that the market opportunity is $3.3 billion.

Goosebump – Chatbot that tells you where to go out

Goosebump is a messenger app that helps users find live music events online. There are two trends driving more live music entertainment: first, the move to listening to new artists online, as well as the need for musicians to make money through live performance. Goosebump is already taking advantage of these trends, with 6,000 weekly active users in Paris. And the company is growing 13 percent week over week, with 44 percent of users active weeks after they’ve joined.

Nimble – Better ATS for school districts

Nimble is building an applicant tracking system designed specifically for schools. Rather than offering just a dressed up spreadsheet, Nimble is offering a predictive tool to help inform hiring decisions. The team didn’t go into too many details, but it’s clear that the system as it is is very broken. A paid pilot is coming this fall and the folks behind Nimble say that they have two letters of intent in hand for said pilots.

Retool – A faster way to build internal tools

Retool markets itself as “a faster way to build internal tools.” The startup estimates that about half of all the code in the world is used for internal company procedures, yet most of the process is continuously replicated because the code is so similar. These companies are “writing the same code over and over again” and wasting time, Retool claims. The team says it has built a tool that makes building this code faster. Retool says they’ve already signed on a large enterprise customer in a paid pilot worth $1.5 million.

Dahmakan – Full stack food delivery for Southeast Asia

Dahmakan delivers ready-to-eat meals in SE Asia, controlling the entire process from food production to delivery. Because cities in Asia have 4x higher urban density than cities in the US and have 1/10 the labor costs, Dahmakan has been able to reach a 37 percent gross margin after food, labor, packaging and delivery costs. After launching in Kuala Lumpur, the company is on a $1.8 million revenue run rate and has plans to expand to eight more markets.

Read our previous coverage of DahMakan here.

Covetly – Collectibles marketplace app

Communities are very powerful in the world of marketplaces. Covetly is looking to build an eBay competitor on the back of niche collectors. With 13,000 monthly active users and just six sellers, the platform has seen $4,000 in sales. The hope seems to be that increasing the number of sellers from six to 500 will drastically increase sales to cannibalize more of the $10 billion collector market.

Read our previous coverage of Covetly here.

Original Tech – Software for banks to accept loan/account applications online

Original Tech is software for banks to accept loan and other account applications online. The team says that they are putting an end to paper applications and helping lenders digitize their financial technology through its mobile-first white label platform. They have signed up 13 contracts in two months and believe this is a $1.5 billion market opportunity.

Read our previous coverage of Original Tech here.

Vanido – Vanido is your personal AI music teacher, starting with singing

Vanido wants to be your AI-based music teacher, starting with helping users learn to sing. Americans spend $1.2 billion on singing lessons every year, and Vanido wants to make those lessons accessible to anyone with a smartphone. Users sing into their smartphone, and the app listens to their voices and corrects them, helping users to improve their signing by 34 percent. Already the company has more than 25,000 monthly active users who have completed 2 million exercises so far.

Entocycle – Sustainable insect protein for farm animals

Entocycle is building an automated factory to produce fish protein feed. The market sounds almost comically niche, but we were reassured that the space is valued at a robust $15 billion. Entocycle’s automated factory actually produces insects. The group feeds waste to the bugs and then, when it’s grown enough, it sells the insects to farms to feed animals. Prices have been steadily increasing for this feed, so the startup believes it can capture a meaningful portion of the market by cutting its own costs and selling to its customers at 20 percent below market rate.

Read our previous coverage of Entocycle here.

Guilded – Team Management for eSports

Guilded built what they’re calling “team management for eSports.” On games like League of Legends and Overwatch, users play in groups and Guilded believes that these teams are looking for help in recruiting and organizing. Guilded says its recently-launched app is already the #1 app for Overwatch teams and claims that they can ultimately reach up to 700 million gamers. The founder previously worked on the growth team at Instagram.

Read our previous coverage of Guilded here.

Lambda School – An online code bootcamp with no upfront cost

Lambda School trains people to be software engineers in live online classes. Those classes are free to students, and the company makes money off employee referrals to companies looking to hire developers who have graduated. The company has signed up 50 hiring partners who are waiting to snap up graduating students. Its 170 students currently enrolled represent $4 million in future revenue. The company has just a 3 percent approval rate and its costs are less than $3,000 per student, including acquisition costs.

Read our previous coverage of Lambda School here.

Plasticity – APIs for natural language processing.

Between the major cloud providers, there are already a myriad of natural language processing tools available for machine learning developers. Unafraid, Plasticity is moving full steam ahead to become the Twilio of NLP. It has a signed letter of intent from Duck Duck Go worth $1.2 million and interest from others in using the Plasticity API for automating message replies.

Read our previous coverage of Plasticity here.

Piggy – Vanguard for India

Piggy is an app for Indians to invest in their retirement savings. Calling themselves the “Vanguard for India,” they allow users to invest in over 2000 mutual funds. Estimating that there will be over 600 billion invested in Indian retirement accounts by 2025, Piggy believes that that there is a large market opportunity. The team has already accrued $30 million in assets and claims to be growing 90% month-over-month. Piggy says it has been able to grow entirely through word-of-mouth because the commission-free service allows users to earn 1% more annually.

Read our previous coverage of Piggy here.

Fat Lama – Fully insured p2p rental marketplace

Fat Lama is a fully insured peer-to-peer rental marketplace for high-value items. Because all items made available are insured, users are ok with putting expensive DJ equipment, photography equipment and active sports gear on the site. As a result the company was able to do $21,000 in net revenue on more than $80,000 in GMV last month. Also, the company is growing 60 percent month over month, thanks to a trend away from ownership and a move toward borrowing high-value goods on-demand.

Read our previous coverage of Fat Lama here.

Solve – Airport concierge for international travellers

Traveling through airports hasn’t evoked the nostalgia of the golden age of air travel for quite some time. Lines are long, logistics are complex and security is tight. Solve promises to save travelers time in airports. At $125 per person, Solve will handle your luggage, coordinate vehicles and manage arrivals, departures and connections. The service is available in 500 airports and the team is expecting $16,000 in revenue this month.

Read our previous coverage of Solve here.

Sunfolding – Hardware for solar farms

Sunfolding is building “next-generation infrastructure for solar farms.” The team is creating what they are calling the “next generation of trackers,” with machines that are faster and cheaper than the solar trackers of generations past. The startup is marketing itself as a business “replacing complex machinery with air” and has signed up $1.5 million in projects for 2017.

Enzyme – FDA compliance as a service

Enzyme is building software to help life sciences companies with FDA approval and regulatory compliance. Using Enzyme’s software, those companies can avoid spending money on costly consultants which in turn can reduce their compliance costs by up to 50 percent. Since 10 percent of all personnel in biopharma and life sciences companies are related to regulatory issues, it can lower headcount as well. Perhaps most importantly, Enzyme can also make it easier and faster for those companies to bring their products to market.

Surematics – Software that helps structure commercial insurance contracts

Surematics is helping commercial insurance brokers structure complicated deals online. Homeowners and car insurance is enough of a nightmare for most of us to handle but Surematics is targeting even more difficult cases — awkward expensive items like oil rigs. With a dash of blockchain, the startup wants to allow companies to collaborate together to create enforceable contracts.

Templarbit – Protects applications from malicious activity

Templarbit is a startup for protecting applications from malicious activity known as “xss attacks.” The team estimates that these cyber threats count for almost 50% of all security issues. In the first month, the startup has already signed up 15 customers, including, AdRoll and Mercedes-Benz. The team says their early traction is because they’ve taken a “difficult, manual process” and made it so that just one line of code is needed.

Just Appraised – Better appraisal software for governments

Every year, local governments have to appraise properties to determine their value. Since about a third of all local government revenues come from property taxes, they rely on that data, but collecting the information is inefficient and frequently inaccurate. Just Appraised uses machine learning to evaluate public and private data, which enables it to build a comprehensive proprietary dataset. In addition to money it makes from local governments, that dataset can be resold to other companies relying on property value information in the real estate industry.

Advano – Higher energy density batteries

Advano is building lithium ion batteries that can store more energy at higher density using silicon-based additives. The team of nine scientists says that it has long been known that adding silicon to batteries allows them to store more energy. But unfortunately this has always come with sacrifices in battery life. Advano’s technology does away with this compromise. The company’s letters of intent are valued at $4.2 million and include requests for both both IoT batteries and 9.6MWh battery packs.

AutoHub – Dealer to dealer used car marketplace

AutoHub is creating a marketplace for car dealers to buy and sell used cars from each other. Previously, dealers relied on offline auctions for the roughly eight cars they were buying every week. AutoHub says there is typically an added cost of $850 per car sold, but that its marketplace will charge less than half of that at $400 per car. The team believes that replacing offline auctions is an $8 billion addressable market. So far, AutoHub has sold $400,000 worth of cars in its first six weeks.

Quilt Data – Docker for data

Enterprises like to say they’re data driven, but for many that data is a mess spread across the organization. Quilt wants to help businesses integrate their data sources to make sure everyone in the company is on the same page, and has already been adopted by some of the largest banks. By defining data “packages,” Quilt wants to become a sort of Docker for data, making it more discoverable and actionable across its clients.

Headstart – Using AI to replace the resume screen.

Automated resume reviews are horrible. Large Fortune 500 companies receive millions of job applications each year and the review process is so poor that great apps are missed on the regular. Headstart is adding machine learning into the mix to automatically rank applicants to assist human hiring teams. This tool alone promises to cut hiring time by 60 percent. With $325,000 in annual recurring revenue, Headstart is already making progress capturing the $4 billion market.

Read our previous coverage of Headstart here.

BillionToOne – Fetal genetic testing

BillionToOne is trying to be a “safe prenatal genetic test for all mothers.” The blood test helps check for fetal disorders like sickle cell and beta-thalassemia, without the miscarriage risk that comes through amniocentesis tests. The team claims that the first test they’ve developed is at least 99% accurate. BillionToOne is launching in the U.S. in 2018 and will expand globally, with a focus on market opportunities in India and China.

Bxblue – Marketplace for personal loans in Brazil

Bxblue provides a marketplace for personal loans in Brazil, focused on pensioners and government employees. Those borrowers can get secured loans because they have guaranteed income, and banks love these loans because they can deduct payments direct from borrower’s paychecks. Today the market is almost entirely offline, making it difficult for borrowers to compare rates . It’s a $4 billion market opportunity, with the potential of 42 million Brazilian borrowers Bxblue could go after.

Read our previous coverage of Bxblue here.

Gameday – Fantasy sports app for everyone

Gameday thinks Draft Kings and FanDuel have completely ignored casual fantasy sports players. To fill that void, the startup is simplifying fantasy sports and integrating with Facebook messenger. About 70 percent of the company’s 50,000 weekly active users are first time players of fantasy sports and 60 percent of them have continued to use Gameday over a 20 week period. Eventually Gameday wants to grow to accommodate as many leagues as it can as it aims to grow the entire fantasy space.

Read our previous coverage of Gameday here.

VIDA & Co. – Marketplace for apparel designed on-demand by artists.

VIDA & Co. is a marketplace for “unique products” built on-demand and at scale. The “millennial generation is rejecting the standardized mass produced goods” and so customized products has become a $140 billion market, the startup claims. VIDA & Co. has created a platform for these personalized items. The team is targeting creative people like Instagram photographers or graphic designers and helps them turn their visions into products. VIDA & Co. has already worked with big brands like Steve Madden, HSN and the Golden Globe Awards.

LotusPay – Recurring payments in India

LotusPay wants to become the infrastructure small and medium-sized businesses in India use to power recurring payments. In India, 75 percent of recurring payments are made by consumers who line up to pay with cash or check. But that’s changing, thanks to the government launching e-mandate, a new system that allows consumers to allow businesses to automatically debit their bank accounts. LotusPay has built the payments infrastructure that can be used by businesses to avoid having to build it out themselves, and has an addressable market for 5 million SMEs.

Contract Simply – Construction lending software for banks

The fact that large construction projects are delayed by complex payment processes isn’t surprising. Contract Simply is building a platform to expedite the payment process that can involve a complex array of stakeholders. At its core, Contract Simply is a cloud-based workflow management tool that allows for faster capital deployment. The startup counts seven pilot users and projects $4 million in annual recurring revenue.

PreDxion Bio – A blood test to save critically ill patients in the ER.

PreDxion Bio believes that it has a blood test that could cut down on deaths in emergency rooms. The team says that previous blood tests often took over three days to get back and that about half a million people die per year because of the delays. They���ve built a test that can help doctors gain insight into inflammatory biomarkers, making it easier to treat things like trauma and burns. The startup is starting clinical trials this fall at UCSF, Mayo Clinic and Mount Sinai hospitals.

CarDash – Managed marketplace for auto repair

CarDash is a managed marketplace for auto service, going after the $170 billion market for maintenance and repairs in the U.S. The company believes that a managed marketplace is the future of the industry because it inspires trust, provides convenience and offers transparent pricing to consumers. For mechanics, the company provides free software and a line of new customers, also helping to automate the customer service experience for all involved. To date the company has grown by promoting itself as a workplace benefit provided to consumers by their employers, but also offers service direct to consumers.

Read our previous coverage of CarDash here.

HotelFlex – Check into your hotel room at anytime you want

We have all flown into a city on a red eye and landed at an early hour wanting nothing more than a bed and a few pillows. Alas, most hotels have strict check in policies that prevent this from happening. Hotels are complex operations and upending cleaning and other key logistical procedures for convenience isn’t easy. HotelFlex provides infrastructure for hotel guests to pay a premium for more flexible check-in. At a 15 percent up charge, 9 percent of guests were willing to pay the premium. This translates into $170 per room per year in revenue. HotelFlex has an initial pilot with a hotel chain valued at $2 million in annual recurring revenue.

Read our previous coverage of HotelFlex here.

Muzmatch – Where single muslims meet

Muzmatch is an app where single Muslims meet. The startup estimates that there are 400 million single Muslims worldwide and that they are spending $7.2 billion on matchmaking. Muzmatch launched two years ago and has attracted 220,000 users, with 56,000 of them still coming back monthly. Some have gone off the service because they’ve found a match. 6,250 couples have met on the service and they are already plenty of “Muzmatch babies.”

Read our previous coverage of Muzmatch here.

Leon & George – Indoor plants as a service

Leon & George sells plants online for homes and offices, helping users to find the right plants given a certain environment. The plant industry accounts for $40 billion in sales each year. Plants are everywhere and demand is growing, but they can’t be served by traditional ecommerce platforms and don’t work with the existing delivery infrastructure. As a result, Leon & George is expecting to do $55,000 in revenue this month and has a 57% gross margin.

Value Voting – Tech to defeat extremism in US politics

Value Voting is looking to catalyze action in politics by increasing the power of advocacy organizations. The Value Voting platform helps independent advocacy groups share data and collaborate. The team didn’t disclose revenue or growth numbers but insisted that it fully intends to be a for-profit company.

Read our previous coverage of Value Voting here.

AssemblyAI – Customizable Speech-to-text API

AssemblyAI is API for speech recognition. They’ve built “accurate, simple and customizable” technology that the team claims is what “Stripe did to payments,” but for speech. The voice technology industry is growing fast, due to the popularity of Siri, Alexa and Google Home. AssemblyAI believes that 50% of searches will be made by your voice by 2020. “Every single product is going to use voice in some way.” They hope that AssemblyAI’s technology, which can be customized in just one line of code, will gain traction.

Read our previous coverage of AssemblyAI here.

Loop Support – Customer support as a service

Loop Support provides customer support as a service to companies. Using a combination of humans and AI, the company is able to solve tickets faster and cheaper than most companies’ in-house support teams. Reps trains themselves using Loop Support’s software, and can serve companies in their spare time. That allows its clients to scale their support teams up or down at will. The result is a business that is growing 84 percent month over month.

FriendSpot – Next generation group chat

The former Facebook team behind FriendSpot believes that fear of missing out is a key emotion that can form the underpinnings of an entirely new social network. Their idea is to allow users to form specific event-centric chat groups. As more people join each group, incentives increase for others to join. The network is growing by 40 percent per week with 33 percent retention over a 28 period. – Property disclosure software builds software to help real estate agents manage property disclosures such as leaking roofs and broken sewer lines. Hoping to become the “system of record for all real estate transaction data,” the startup says it is going after real estate agents because they spend about $1 billion per year to manage disclosure documents. Since launching in January, they’ve attracted 615 customers and are working with big names in real estate like Sotheby’s and Pacific Union. Ultimately, the team wants to “build software to support their entire workflow, not just disclosures.”

Helix Nanotechnologies – Making drugs in patients’ muscles via synbio.

Helix Nanotechnologies uses artificial intelligence to help cure genetic diseases. Errors in DNA causes cancer in cells, but by using cutting edge AI, Helix is trying to unlock the nucleus of cells and deliver new DNA. Already, it’s licensing its technology to four major firms, but looking to develop its own cell therapy. With just a shot in the arm a couple of times a year, Helix believes it could build a platform to cure and prevent all genetic diseases.

CureSkin – AI dermatologist on smartphone

India is facing a massive shortage of dermatologists. There simply are not enough doctors to address the existing needs of the massive Indian market. CureSkin is using computer vision to recommend treatment to patients who don’t have access to trained professionals. With just a photo, CureSkin can diagnose approximately 80 percent of skin conditions and recommend treatment regimens. 7,000 patients are using CureSkin each week and half of those users come back for issues later on.

Py – Teach coders new skills on mobile

Py is an app for teaching coders new skills. From Python to iOS development, they help software engineers learn and also match them with jobs. With a ranking system that can identify strengths in categories like data science and app development, Py believes that it will help job seekers demonstrate what they’re good at. With 100,000 monthly active users, Py hopes to make a dent in what it estimates is a $3 billion market opportunity.

Read our previous coverage of Py here.

HealthWiz – SaaS platform for lowering employer healthcare costs

HealthWiz lowers health costs for businesses while also helping their employees find better care. Every year, employers waste $4,000 in healthcare costs due to their employees not choosing the right care providers. When providing HealthWiz as a benefit, their employees can find cheaper and faster ways to get a prescription. The company is going after a market that affects 50 million potential employees and it’s already testing with thousands of users.

CocuSocial – Marketplace for local activities

CocuSocial managed to build the largest marketplace for cooking classes in New York City in just a year of operation. With that as a starting point, the company hopes to spread across the country providing wine tasting, painting classes, dance classes and floral design instruction. Swallowing the entirety of the $27 billion market opportunity might not be feasible in the short term but the team is taking in what it can manage with $21,000 in monthly net revenue on 58 percent month over month growth.

Read our previous coverage of CocuSocial here.

Rev Genomics – Cannabis genomics company

Rev Genomics thinks that it can create the best marijuana with biotechnology. Using everything from CRISPR to genomic selection, the startup believes that it has what it takes to make the “best cannabis in the world.” They are also targeting Botrytis, a fungus which can destroy cannabis crops. By “quantifying the gene expression levels of all 30,000 genes in the cannabis genome,” Rev Genomics says it will create plants with higher yields. The startup hopes to someday be the “Monsanto of Cannibis.”

Tpaga – Mobile wallet for Latin America

Tpaga is looking to own the mobile wallet space in Latin America. The founding team is responsible for Columbia’s largest taxi app. Following in the path of other taxi apps that have added mobile wallets, its 50,000 taxi drivers will serve as the initial users of Tpaga. After that, Tpaga hopes to add a large super market chain, a large gas station chain, 10 cell phone carriers and 25 utilities providers. The app is set to launch on October 1st and the team is using the runway between now and then to ensure a market exists for new users.

NextDrop – The private water marketplace for urban India

NextDrop connects water buyers with water sellers in India, where private water is often delivered by truck. The cost of water has tripled in the last decade and continues to go up, making it more expensive than electricity now. NextDrop launched over the summer, has 3 pilot apartment customers, and is going after a billion-dollar market in urban India.

Mystery Science – Virtual science expert to co-teach class

Mystery Science aims to fix STEM education by giving elementary school teachers a virtual science expert to co-teach classes. Estimating that 94% of elementary schools don’t have science teachers, Mystery Science says that it is addressing this problem with experts Skyping into classrooms everyday. Launched last year, they already brought in $1.4 million in ARR, by convincing schools to pay for its services. This year the startup is forecasting $3.5 million in ARR, with $1.5 million in profit. Mystery Science also plans to expand beyond schools and complete with Discovery and National Geographic with its direct-to-consumer product.

Read our previous coverage of Mystery Science here.

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Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft has successfully delivered two astronauts to the International Space Station, a key milestone in the aerospace giant’s quest to certify the capsule for regular crewed missions.  Starliner…

Boeing’s Starliner overcomes leaks and engine trouble to dock with ‘the big city in the sky’

Rivian needs to sell its new revamped vehicles at a profit in order to sustain itself long enough to get to the cheaper mass market R2 SUV on the road.

Rivian’s path to survival is now remarkably clear

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What to expect from WWDC 2024: iOS 18, macOS 15 and so much AI

Apple is hoping to make WWDC 2024 memorable as it finally spells out its generative AI plans.

2 days ago
What to expect from WWDC 2024: iOS 18, macOS 15 and so much AI

As WWDC 2024 nears, all sorts of rumors and leaks have emerged about what iOS 18 and its AI-powered apps and features have in store.

What to expect from Apple’s AI-powered iOS 18 at WWDC 2024

Apple’s annual list of what it considers the best and most innovative software available on its platform is turning its attention to the little guy.

Apple’s Design Awards highlight indies and startups

Meta launched its Meta Verified program today along with other features, such as the ability to call large businesses and custom messages.

Meta rolls out Meta Verified for WhatsApp Business users in Brazil, India, Indonesia and Colombia